
The key to wisdom-Montessori mathematics education

Time:2008-09-04 Click:188
In 1907, Montessori established a "Children's Home" in the slums of Rome, enrolling children aged 3-6 for education. She used her own unique method to teach, and the result was amazing. As a result, it caused a sensation across Europe. "Reports about these wonderful children spread rapidly like wildfire."

In Montessori classrooms, there are rich and colorful teaching aids. They are all created according to the sensitive period of children's growth and development, which are suitable for children's growth. It includes life education, sensory education, math education, language education, science and culture education, etc. Today we will briefly talk about Montessori mathematics education.

Montessori mathematical concepts:

Through the operation of teaching aids, children are familiar with the relationship between quantity, number symbols, graphics, and organization, and the transformation from concrete to abstract thinking is established, and the logical relationship between them is understood to form a mathematical mind. Quantity and numbers are a combination of concrete and abstract. When the child stimulates his understanding of number symbols by concrete objects in the operation process, when this combination is used as independent units of numbers, it marks the concrete to abstract A leap in thinking, this experience and development is actually a natural result of a person's commitment to an intellectual dialogue with the world. Opened the door of its wisdom.

Modules in the number area of the age group 3-6:

Montessori 3-6 years old digital area includes five modules, specifically: simple numbering stage, introduction to the decimal system, advanced numbering stage, decimal calculation, fractional part.

Simple counting stage: This part will lead children to the beginning from sensory to intellectual activities, and children will truly embark on the path of mathematical exploration. Counting sticks, sand digital boards, spinning sticks, numbers and chips, beading, memory games, etc., allow children to understand the concept and relationship of 0-10 numbers and quantities, and prepare for the next learning content.

Decimal system: through introduction and operation, let children understand the concepts of unit, tens, hundreds, and thousands of digits, understand the use of digits through the introduction of decimal numbers and number symbols, the perspective effect on the bird's-eye view, and the amount-taking game, etc. , The conversion between different numbers and quantities allows children to accumulate huge databases in their brains.

Advanced counting stage: From 11-1000, starting from the Seggen board, to the square chain, 100 board, cube chain, etc., the accumulation of children's count and quantity is more, from positive counting, reciprocal counting, hop counting, etc. The method allows children to form a more acute sense of number, can flexibly and familiarly change between consecutive numbers, have a certain spatial imagination ability, and help form mathematical thinking.

Decimal calculations: use beads to do addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division operations, which is very intuitive and easy to understand. Through repeated operations, children understand the concepts of addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division, as well as the changes in the quantity produced during the operation, and understand the meaning of carry and borrow. It laid the foundation for the establishment of thinking from concrete to abstract; from bead calculation to stamp game calculation, this is a sign of a shift from concrete to abstract. Replace 10 concrete beads with blue stamps marked "10". In this transition, children's imagination space and abstract understanding ability are exercised, and a crucial step is taken for children's "mathematics mind"; In the conversion of number and number symbols, and the accumulated experience of numbers, children are already very familiar with 0-10 numbers and quantities, so we can exercise children's mental arithmetic ability and remember a lot of equations to quickly calculate some math problems for them lay the foundation. At the same time, it gradually breaks away from the relationship between number and quantity and moves towards the process of taking number as an independent unit, so that the cultivation of abstract thinking goes further;

Common fraction part: Understand the concept of whole and part, and a large number of operations on the combination and separation of parts are caused by this. Make children connect with the environment in life and stimulate their logical thinking.

The meaning of the math area:

From sensory to over-intelligence: In the teaching of mathematics area, we follow the process from simple to complex, from specific calculations-abstract calculations-mental arithmetic-more abstract mathematical concepts, so that children's abilities can be improved step by step. This is a process from sensory thinking to intellectual activity. What the teacher has to do is to stimulate children’s interest in the math area. In children, they have a strong sense of order, concentration, strong sensory abilities and independence, and then cut into the mathematics mode to promote the transition from real life experience to specific mathematics learning Can get complementary effects.

Proficient in Montessori math teaching, able to support teachers:

1. To understand the teaching framework of Montessori Mathematical District for 3-6 years old is conducive to the development of teaching content;

2. Correctly understand the development process of 3-6 years old children's mathematics ability, and make effective guidance;

3. Proficient in the operation of various teaching aids can better support the development of children's mathematical ability;

4. The flexible use of teaching can stimulate children's interest in learning in the math area and achieve better learning results;

5. A full understanding of the principles of the establishment of various teaching aids will help teachers to extend the teaching materials and enrich the teaching environment;

6. Cultivate children with a keen mind in mathematics, plant the seeds of love for mathematics, and prepare them for more advanced learning.

7. Exercise children's imagination, logical reasoning and concentration, and enhance their self-confidence.
