Lecture application

Lecture application

Application process

Public welfare lectures are for parents, teachers, kindergartens, schools, educational institutions, etc. In-depth analysis of "children's growth secrets" for teachers and parents, so that parents can better understand their children, accept them, follow the rhythm of their growth, realize scientific parenting, and maximize the welfare of children throughout their lives.

Application conditions

1. The applicant must be one of the following institutions:

1) American Montessori Association (AMA) Operation Management Center.

2) The organization of the certified lecturer of the American Montessori Association (AMA).

3) Member unit of American Montessori Association (AMA).

4) American Montessori Association (AMA) certified classes or certified garden institutions.

2. There are no less than 100 participants.

3. The report venue and facilities (including projection and sound equipment) are suitable for large-scale meetings or lectures. Environmental sanitation standards are not lower than the standards of "four-star" hotels.标准。

4. The lecture is of a public welfare nature, that is, no audience fee is charged.

5. To bear the expenses of boarding, lodging and travel for the reporting experts and related personnel.。

Lecture organization

1. Lecture days: 1-2 days, usually Saturday and Sunday. 2. Promotion methods: WeChat, kindergartens, preschool education institutions, universities, education bureaus, women's federations, etc.

3. Uniform name: American Montessori Association (AMA) Montessori Education Public Welfare Lecture·XX Station.

4. Organizer: Montessori Association of America (AMA).

5. Organizer: Applicant.

6. Venue environment: The venue is well ventilated, the temperature is appropriate, quiet and safe, and the environmental sanitation standard is not lower than the "four-star" hotel standard to ensure the effect of the lecture and respect for scientific Montessori education.

7. Book support: AMA headquarters will provide certain book support according to the situation.

8. Projection equipment: debug well in advance, usually experts use their own computers.

9. Audio equipment: at least 4 wireless microphones, enough batteries should be prepared.
