Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori (Italian: Maria Montessori, August 31, 1870-May 6, 1952), was a world-renowned early childhood educator in the 20th century, an Italian early childhood educator, and the first Italian woman Doctor, Italy's first female medical doctor, feminist, founder of Montessori education law.

Her method of education is derived from a summary of children's spontaneous learning behaviors observed during the work process of children. Advocate that schools should design tailor-made exclusive environments for children, and put forward concepts such as "absorptive mind" and "sensitive period".

The unique early childhood education method she created has swept the entire Western world and has profoundly affected the education level and social development of the advanced countries in Europe and the United States. The characteristic of Montessori education method is that it attaches great importance to the early education of children, for which she has engaged in educational experiments and research for more than half a century; her teaching methods range from intellectual training, sensory training to sports training, from respecting freedom to building will , From the education of the common people to the education of the nobility, it has provided a foundation of generations of outstanding talents for the sustainable development of the western industrialized society. "History of Western Education" called her the greatest scientific and progressive educator who won recognition in Europe and the world in the 20th century.

Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870 in the small town of Chiaravalle in the Ancona region of Italy. His father, Alexandru Montessori, is a descendant of nobles and a peaceful personality A conservative soldier, his mother, Rainier Stoppani, is a devout Catholic who is knowledgeable, pious, kind, rigorous, and enlightened. As the only child, Montessori was loved by his parents and received a good family education. Therefore, he grew up since childhood. They develop an independent personality of self-discipline, self-love, and a philanthropic mind to help others.
When Montessori was five years old, her family moved to Rome due to her father's transfer and started her school career. Although Montessori is the only daughter, her parents do not spoil her, but pay attention to her education, such as asking her to observe discipline, sympathize with and help poor and disabled children. So she took special care of those unfortunate children when she was young and helped them as much as possible. Maria's self-esteem has been very strong since she was a child. When attending elementary school in Ancona, Montessori also showed a tendency to care for and help other children, and was extremely disgusted with teachers' attitudes and behaviors that despise children and violate children's dignity.

At the age of thirteen, she chose mathematics, which most girls were not interested in, and entered the Michelangelo Engineering School. He graduated with the best grades in 1886, laying the foundation for mathematics. After graduating from high school, he entered the National Da Vinci Institute of Technology to study modern languages and natural sciences.

At the age of 16 (1886), he entered the University of Engineering, specializing in mathematics. After discovering his interest in biology, he entered the University of Rome to study biology in 1890. After reading biology, Montessori felt that she had a strong interest in medicine, and she made an unprecedented decision—to study medicine. "Girls studying medicine" was absurd and impossible in the conservative European society at the time. But Montessori ignored her father's opposition (interruption of financial aid) and the restrictions of the education system, and with her unrelenting efforts, she was finally allowed to enter the medical school. Because she is the only girl in the class, she often stays alone in the dissection room to do experiments, alone with the dead: coupled with the opposition of her family, and the heavy pressure, no one can talk. However, Montessori was able to become more and more courageous, so she cultivated perseverance that was different from ordinary people, and laid the foundation for her success in dedicating to children's education in the future.

At the age of 26, she received a doctorate in medicine from the University of Rome and became the first female doctor of medicine in the University of Rome and Italy. Immediately, he worked as a psychiatric clinical assistant doctor in the Affiliated Hospital of Sapienza University of Rome, where he diagnosed and treated children with physical and mental disabilities, and became interested in the study of children with disabilities. She studied and tested the methods of Jean Itard and Edward Seguln to educate children with disabilities. During this period, she went to Paris and London to visit and visit educational institutions for children with disabilities.

In 1900, he served as the principal of the National School of Enlightenment in Rome.

From 1904 to 1908, he served as a professor of natural sciences and medicine at the Faculty of Education of the University of Rome.

In 1907, the first children's home was established in the St. Lawrence district of Rome. Soon, the second children's home was established.

In 1908, the third children's home-Milan Children's Home was established.

Published in 1909 the Italian version of the important work "Montessori Teaching Method" (The Italian version is called "Scientific Educational Methods Applied to Children's Home Education")

In 1911, public schools in Italy and Switzerland were officially approved by the government to adopt Montessori method. Paris established a Montessori model school, and the United Kingdom also established a school and Montessori Association. The first Montessori school in the United States was established by Anne George. He quit his job as a physician and a university faculty and devoted himself to the expansion of his teaching methods.

The Dutch Children's Home was established in 1914. The book "Montessori Manual" was published.

In 1917, two volumes of "Advanced Montessori Teaching Method" were published. Visited the Netherlands and the Dutch Montessori Association was established. Last visit to the United States.

Appointed as school supervisor by the Italian government in 1922. Children's home is established in Vienna.

In 1923, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Durham in the United Kingdom.

Supported by the Italian government in 1925, Montessori education was reborn in Italy.

In 1926, he went to South America to give a speech. The Montessori Middle School is established in Amsterdam. Lecture on "Education and Peace" at the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

Published "Religious Education" in 1929. The Teacher Training Academy is established in Rome. The International Montessori Association was established in Berlin. The first International Montessori Conference was held in Denmark. The theme of the conference was "New Education".

In 1933, the Fascist party led by Mussolini ruled Italy and ordered the closure of all Montessori schools. As a result, Montessori left Italy and settled in Spain. International training courses also start in Barcelona.

In the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Montessori moved to the Netherlands. "Secrets of Childhood" is published. A model school and training center was established in Laland, the Netherlands. The headquarters of the International Montessori Association moved from Berlin to Amsterdam.

In 1939, a training course was opened in India. "Children of the Earth", "Adolescence and Post-pubertal Education Reform", "The Function of Universities" and other publications. Meet with Gandhi and Tagore.

In 1944, he gave a speech on "The First Three Years of Life". Held training classes in Ceylon.

In 1946, the book "Education in the New World" was published.

In 1947, he returned to Rome at the request of the Italian government to reorganize the Montessori Association. Returned to India to plan Montessori University, but was suspended due to political chaos. The London Montessori Center was established.

In 1948, "Absorbent Mind", "Know Your Child", "Discover Children" and other books were published.

In 1949, he taught for the first time in Pakistan. Awarded the Honor Society Member Medal in Paris.

From 1949 to 1951, he was nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize for three consecutive years.

In 1950, he gave lectures in Norway and Sweden in Northern Europe and was awarded an honorary doctor of philosophy by the University of Amsterdam. He was appointed to hold a speech at the UNESCO headquarters in Florence, Italy.

In 1951, the ninth and last Montessori international Montessori conference was held in London. Training courses are held in Innsbruck, Austria.

He died in Amsterdam on May 6, 1952, at the age of 82.
