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The coordination of Montessori education and family education

Time:2020-07-29 Click:245
The issue of family education has received people's attention since ancient times, but it has been studied as a discipline in our country in recent years. This is an issue that must be involved in the development of the times, the demand for talents, and the improvement of the overall quality of the people. Here we discuss the importance of family education with parents. The purpose is to make families, society, and education departments jointly shoulder the task of educating the next generation. Human education is a systematic education project, which includes family education, social education, and collective (kindergarten, school) education. The three are interrelated and organically combined, interacting, interacting, and restricting each other. It is impossible for this education project to leave any one, but in this systematic project, family education is the foundation of all education. Sukhomlinsky, a famous educator in the former Soviet Union, once compared children to a piece of marble. He said that to make this piece of marble into a statue requires six sculptors: 1 family; 2 school; 3 the collective where the children belong; 4 Children themselves; 5 books; 6 accidental factors. In terms of order, the family is listed first. It can be seen that the family plays a very important role in the process of shaping children, and it occupies a considerable position in the heart of this educator. For this reason, it is very necessary for parents to understand the importance of family education.

1. Family education is the starting point and basic point of educating people

Family education generally refers to the process in which parents and their adults in the family educate their minor children. The educational goal should be to ensure the healthy development of the child's body and mind before entering the society to receive collective education (kindergarten, school education), and to lay a solid foundation for accepting kindergarten and school education. After children enter the kindergarten and school, cooperate with kindergartens and schools to make them develop comprehensively in moral, intellectual, physical, beauty, and labor. The focus of education is moral education, cultivating children's good moral qualities and developing good behavior habits. Behavior habits include: living habits, labor habits, study habits, etc., and teach children how to learn to be a person. Because family education takes place in the family, compared with kindergarten, school education, and social education, it has the following characteristics. These characteristics make family education the starting point and basis for educating people, and it has advantages that other education does not have.

(1) The early nature of family education

The family is the cradle of children's life and the first place where people receive education after birth, that is, the first classroom in life; parents are the first teachers of children, that is, the teacher of enlightenment. Therefore, the education that parents give to children is the most early. Generally speaking, after three years of development after birth, a child enters the early childhood period, from 3 years old...6 years old is the preschool period, which is often referred to as the early education stage, which is an important period of human physical and mental development. There is an ancient Chinese proverb: "Dyeing in the blue leads to the blue, and dyed in the yellow leads to the yellow." Early childhood is the beginning of the gradual influence of life. Many basic abilities of people are formed at this age, such as language expression, basic movements and certain Life habits and so on, personality is gradually formed. American psychologist Bloom believes that if a person's intellectual development is counted as 100% of the level he reached at the age of 17, it will reach 50% at the age of 4. 4-8 years old increased by 30%, 8-17 years old gained another 20%. It can be seen that before the age of 5, children have the fastest intellectual development and the best period for early intellectual development. If parents implement good family education during this period, it will be the key to children’s early intellectual development. Throughout the ages, many people with lofty ideals and effective celebrities received a good family education in their early childhood is an important reason for their future success. For example, the success of Goethe, a great German poet and playwright, is due to his family's early education. When Goethe was 2 to 3 years old, his father hugged him to go out in the countryside to observe nature and cultivate Goethe's observation ability. When he was 3-4 years old, his father taught him to sing, recite ballads, and tell fairy tales, and he deliberately asked him to speak in front of everyone to cultivate his oral skills. These conscious educations made Goethe optimistic, willing to think, and good at learning. At the age of 8, Goethe could read various books in French, German, English, Italian, Latin, and Greek. At the age of 14, he wrote scripts. At the age of 25, he wrote the famous European poem "The Troubles of Young Werther" in a month. Another example is the growth process of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi, known as "father and son calligraphers" in ancient times, the great inventor Edison who has made more than 1,350 inventions, the generation of literary superstars Guo Moruo, Mao Dun and other celebrities, showing that family education is very important for early intellectual development. . On the contrary, there are many cases where people do not get good family education in their childhood and affect the normal development of intelligence. For example, the Indian "wolf boy" Kamala was taken away by a wolf from a young age and was discovered when he was 8 years old. However, his living habits are different from those of human beings. Their living habits are almost the same as those of wolves. They crawl on all fours, eat raw meat, and walk around at night. Later, after artificial training, he could stand after two years and walk like a human in six years. He learned 6 words in four years. At the age of 17, his intelligence level only reached the level of a 3-year-old child. According to the “China Women’s Daily”, a worker surnamed Ma in Nanjing City, my country, suffered from mental illness and was afraid that his children would be persecuted. He locked his three children at home since childhood and allowed them to contact the outside world. For more than ten years, these children have low intelligence and speech delay. Compared with their peers, their intelligence and living ability are very different. They are close to idiots. Therefore, the early role of family education cannot be ignored.
(2) Continuity of family education The second characteristic of family education is continuity. After the child was born, he lived in the family for almost two-thirds of his time from childhood to adulthood, and received parental education from time to time. This kind of education is carried out intentionally and unintentionally, planned and unplanned, consciously and unconsciously. No matter how and when the education is carried out, it is the parents' own words and deeds that affect their children anytime and anywhere. . This kind of education is constantly influencing and demonstrating children’s living habits, morals, conduct, and manners, etc., and its subtle effect is quite significant. With the life of a person, it can be said that it is to live to learn to grow old, so some Educators also refer to parents as life-long teachers. This kind of lifelong education often reflects the family tradition of a family. The quality of the family tradition often lasts for several generations, even more than a dozen or dozens of generations, and this family tradition is often related to the occupations of the family members. . Such as: "Xinglin Family", "Pear Garden House", "Education Family", etc. At the same time, the family style reflects the style of study of a family, and the style of study often lasts for several generations, dozens of generations, and dozens of generations. For example, in modern China, Yan Gong from Wuxi added "Selected Records of Guochaoguan" in the Qing Dynasty. According to statistics, from the third year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty to the 30th year of Guangxu, the number of champions was 114. There are endless people, such as Suzhou Miao, Wu, Pan, Changshu Weng, Jiang, Zhejiang Haining Chen, Cha. It can be seen that the continuity of family education often has an important impact on the rise of talent groups. The situation is more prominent in ancient and modern times. In contemporary times, with the development of science, social demand, and the increase in unemployed jobs, people have a wide range of jobs. It is impossible for all members of a family to engage in the same kind of work, but there is no shortage of such situations. , That is, some family members have repeated achievements and commendations in their work, and some family members have violated the law and committed crimes one after another. This has a great relationship with the continuity of family education.

(3) The authority of family education

The authority of family education refers to the power and might of parents and elders in their children. The existence of a family determines the blood relationship, parenting relationship, and emotional relationship between parents and children. Children have a great dependence on their parents and elders in terms of ethical and material needs. The consistency of the fundamental interests of family members is determined Therefore, each father has a greater restrictive effect on his children. Parents’ education is easy to be accepted and obeyed by their children. The rational use of this feature by parents is beneficial to the formation of children’s good morals and behavior habits, especially for children. When children are playing games with other children, when there is a dispute, they often quote their parents to prove that their speech behavior is correct, as they like to say: "My father said this." or "My mother is like that. Do it." Wait. The authority of parents in the minds of children determines how children view the education of kindergarten schools and society. The relationship between children and their parents is an important social relationship that children face first. In this kind of relationship, almost all aspects of social ethics and morality are embodied. If cracks and defects are formed in this kind of relationship, the child will later enter the society and it will be reflected in various interpersonal relationships. Therefore, the importance of emphasizing parental authority is also because parents always play a dual role in their children's childhood: they are both the protector of children's safe survival and the guide of life enlightenment. The effect of parental education depends on the degree of parental authority established. The establishment of parental authority must

Established on the basis of respect for the children’s personality, not on the feudal patriarchy, wise parents understand the importance of establishing authority, and understand that the establishment of authority does not rely on suppression, coercion, and subjective judgment, but adopts the method of combining rigidity and softness. Parents should first coordinate and cooperate with each other in their attitudes towards educating their children. They should be lenient and strict, and set up a kind and majestic image in front of the children so that the children can easily accept the education of their parents.

(4) The infectiousness of family education

The naturalness and closeness of the blood relationship and kinship between parents and children make parents' joy, anger, sorrow, and joy have a strong infectious effect on children. Children often understand the words and deeds of their parents. When dealing with the relationships and problems of people and things around them, the attitude of children towards their parents can easily resonate. When the parents are happy, the children will also participate in the joy. When the parents show irritability and gloom, the children's emotions are also easily affected, even for young children. If the parents lack reason and are emotional and have a bad temper, they will blindly absorb their weaknesses. When parents are dealing with emergencies, they are frightened and caught off guard, and have a bad impact on their children; if the parents are not in a state of shock, calm and firm, they will also make their children calm and calm in the event of trouble, which will improve their psychological quality Play a positive role.

(5) Timeliness of family education

The process of family education is the individual educational behavior of parents and elders to children in the family, which is more timely than kindergarten and school education. As the saying goes: Knowing the son is not the father, and knowing the daughter is not the mother. Parents get along with their children day and night, and they can be said to be well aware of their situation. Even a look and a smile on the child can make the parents understand. Therefore, as a parent, you can grasp it in time through the child’s every move, every word and deed. At this moment, in their psychological state, they discover the problems in their children, educate them in time, correct them in time, and don't let the problems stay overnight, so that bad behaviors and habits are eliminated in the bud. In kindergartens and schools, teachers are faced with dozens of children and can only conduct general education for children of this age, that is, group education. Due to time and energy constraints, it is impossible to take care of the characteristics of each child. It is easy to take care of the other and lose the other, and even make the children feel mistrustful in the teacher's inadequate care, and the parents can prompt the children to correct their understanding. Therefore, the correct family education of parents to children can not only make the children form good behavior habits before entering kindergarten, lay a good foundation for receiving collective education, but also make up for the lack of collective education.

2. Good family education is a necessary condition for training talents in the 21st century

The "Outline of China's Children's Development Plan in the 1990s" stated: "Today's children are the masters of the 21st century. The bottom-up protection and development of children is the basis for improving the quality of the population and the prerequisite for human development. Children's healthy growth It is related to the future and destiny of the motherland. To improve the quality of the whole nation, start with children." And put forward: "In 2000, 90% of children (under 14) parents should master the knowledge of childcare and education to varying degrees." This The top goal makes it clear that parents shoulder the important task of creating talents for the country in the 21st century. Whether this generation of children can be cultivated into people with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor is related to the century-old plan of whether the country will succeed. Froebel also said: "The destiny of the country is not so much in the hands of those in power, as it is in the hands of mothers." This sentence is very philosophical, and it deeply clarifies that parents are in educating their children. The role played. Parents must first clarify the principle that the direction of education is consistent with national interests and the requirements of the people. Children must not be regarded as private property. They must establish the idea of being a state teacher and correct the purpose of education. What is the situation of our country in the 21st century? Take the words of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, to make our country reach the level of a moderately developed country in the middle of the 21st century, with a per capita income of 4,000 US dollars and an annual gross national product of 6 trillion US dollars. People in the 21st century should be a new generation of newcomers with good ideology, noble moral sentiment, sound psychological quality, active cooperation with others, strong resilience, and hard-working all-round development. Without such a group of high-quality builders in the 21st century, it will be difficult to accomplish this task. Having such a quality cannot be done overnight, and a good family education is a prerequisite for training high-quality people.

3. Good family education is a catalyst for optimizing children's hearts

Children move from infancy to infancy. As they grow older, the small environment of the family will eventually enter the larger society, contacting people and things outside the family. The truth, the good, the fake, the ugly, and the evil in the society come into the children’s field of vision from time to time. It is not feasible for adults to adopt isolation techniques, because the TV videos in the family will continue to reflect the reality of today’s society from different angles. The problems can be both positive and negative of. Children, especially young children, lack the rational ability to distinguish right from wrong, but have a keen sense of ability than adults. They are very sensitive to the cordial and terrible things that happen around them, and this sensitivity is a good basis for cultivating the ability of rational discrimination. As parents, they should use this extension to help their children build on this ability to feel. Develop the ability to distinguish social life and psychological endurance, filter social information, and optimize children's young minds. If parents can focus on the child’s low receptive ability at a young age in daily life, grasp specific daily trivia, help children recognize right from wrong in society, and let them specifically feel the bright side of truth, goodness and beauty. Feeling the ugliness and despicability can help children strengthen their sense of justice in promoting good and eliminating evil, thus resisting the ugliness and darkness facing the erosion of children's hearts. For example, today's TV videos have entered almost every family among urban residents, and children deal with them almost every day. It can be said that they know the affairs of the world without leaving their homes. It can receive all kinds of information from all over the world. There are various contents of political affairs, technological progress, and mortal affairs, from which you can learn a lot of knowledge, understand major events at home and abroad, and small things inside and outside the home. But it also inevitably makes some murderous, violent, absurd and nasty scenes reflected in the child's eyelids. Parents should provide timely guidance on these issues to improve their children’s ability to discern. At the same time, they should check their behavior at any time, establish a positive image for their children, optimize their minds, and prevent children from making mistakes and even breaking laws and disciplines. Doing a good job in this aspect of the family will help stabilize the small family environment. The family is the cell of society. Only with healthy cells can there be a healthy body. If the cells are diseased, the body will be diseased. The ancients said: "If you cultivate one's own body, then the family will be good, the family will be good and the country will be governed, and the state will be the world will be peaceful". This is the truth. For this reason, parents should do a good job in optimizing the minds of children, which will contribute to the stability of society and the country.

In short, as a parent, it is important to give full play to the importance of family education, consciously do a good job in the education of children, do the responsibilities and obligations of parents, and train qualified construction talents for the country.
