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Montessori Mathematics Education

Time:2020-07-29 Click:228
Montessori Mathematics Education

"Number" is almost inseparable from our lives.

Some people think that mathematics is too abstract, it is a profound and difficult subject. Montessori believes that it is not an abstract problem in mathematics that makes children feel that math is difficult, but is caused by an error in the method provided by the adult. In other words, how to correctly guide children to the road of mathematics is the focus.

Montessori emphasized that pre-preparation is necessary, that is, sensory teaching aids are now provided before doing arithmetic. Montessori said: “Nature prepares flowers, grass, trees, and animals for children, but it does not show the precision of mathematics. Therefore, children’s mathematical tendencies lack opportunities for germination, so they feel painful and become obstacles to future progress. , So I turned the sensory teaching aids into concrete abstractions.”

Montessori believes that "number" and sensory perception are connected. There are countless things that surround a child in life, but there are very few things that can have common attributes, such as size, height, shape, and so on. If we want to summarize different attributes, we must grasp the abstract elements and relationships through feeling and concentration. We also train children to understand mathematical concepts through repeated sensory stimulation. Concretizing abstract things is the prerequisite preparation for every child to enter the real concept of "number".

The Montessori scientific education method breaks the traditional method of teaching children to learn "numeracy".

In the past, most of us directly taught children to recite abstract numbers. Even today, most adults still have the idea that "learning to recite data before the age of 3 is to learn to count. If you can write 1 to 100, you are smart." It needs to be strengthened and understood to be deeply burned in my mind! Therefore, learning mathematics by way of memory will easily lead to confusion about the more thoughtful and abstract "number" in the future.

Therefore, we will design Montessori teaching aids that can be made at home and guide children to learn mathematics in a step-by-step manner, using materials in daily life, in accordance with the Montessori education guidance. Help children to improve the concept of "number" from concrete to abstract, so that children can understand the concept of "number" in specific operations, and thus obtain joy and satisfaction.
