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How to be the child's first teacher?

Time:2020-07-29 Click:140
      In life, friends often tell stories like this, telling that they always hope to get rid of the influence of the family, but in the process of growing up, the more they grow up, the more they find that their behavior is similar to that of their parents. It turns out that we not only look like our parents, but our character, behavior and habits are closely connected with them, because our parents are the first teachers in our lives.
  Today, young people’s view of education for the next generation is very different from that of their parents 20 or 30 years ago. We are paying more and more attention to the development of children’s character, psychology and inner personality. There is only one main point of this kind of attention, and that is "you are the child's first teacher". Because the baby's psychology has the characteristics of being easy to accept cues, and it is very plastic. Children who have received positive cues from their parents will grow up more smoothly.
  Child wrestling is the most common thing in family education, and the reaction of different parents also shows different family education. The child fell to the ground, a mother quickly picked up the child, said distressedly: "Baby, does the fall hurt?" Then the child cried. The other mother stood calmly, let the child get up on her own, and then continued to run to play. Why is one child squeamish while the other is brave? In fact, the key factor is not the child, but the different performance of the two mothers. The attitude of the first mother was nervous and uneasy. Her nervousness implied that the child was very painful in wrestling, which increased the child's pain psychologically and made him squeamish. This reaction is a negative suggestion. The first mother's attitude was very calm, and she also hinted that wrestling was not a big deal and gave the child a positive suggestion.
  Psychologists say that suggestion refers to the process of exerting psychological influence through language, gestures, facial expressions, etc. The result of suggestion is to make the suggested person change in mood, emotion, interest, and will. Implying that the biggest feature of education is "darkness", which affects the child's immature mind subtly and unconsciously.
  Positive psychological cues bring positive knowledge and experience to children, allowing them to develop good moral knowledge and behavior, as well as strong emotional will. According to the survey, nearly 90% of people with outstanding performance in quality, awareness, and intelligence have experienced positive cues from their parents when they were young. Therefore, parents should pay attention to making good use of positive cues and avoid negative cues.
  Multiple ways of positive psychological suggestion
  There are many ways of positive psychological suggestion, which are mainly divided into two categories, verbal suggestion and non-verbal suggestion. Linguistic hints are mainly used for telling stories, playing games, role experiences and other methods to nurture the truth in ordinary life and serve a good educational purpose. In the process of suggestion, pay attention to methods, such as correcting the children’s mistakes. Parents can use the method of comparison to set an example to the child, use the power of the example to infect the child and make it continuous improvement, pay attention to the appropriate use of suggestive contrast to avoid harm The child’s self-esteem and confidence. When encouraging children, you can also use the aggressive method. Competitiveness is a child's nature. Using suggestive language to arouse a child's competitive spirit can often have a multiplier effect, prompting him to accomplish something or meet certain requirements quickly.
  Non-verbal hints, mainly parents themselves should play a good role model. Remember that you are your child's first teacher, and your every move will always affect your child and be imitated by your child. Parents consciously line up and use behaviors to suggest their children. People who jump in the queue are unwelcome; not littering peels and confetti in public places will also make children learn to consciously throw rubbish in the trash can. The good behaviors of parents implicitly imply the correct moral and behavioral norms of their children.
In addition, when the child is doing something independently, give the child appreciation and affirmation, so that the child can experience the joy of success; when the child encounters a setback, give the child encouragement, comfort, and caress to make the child feel Courage and strength. These positive cues full of emotion and love can have a greater impact on children. Because the facial expression is a direct expression of the human heart and inner emotions, and children can directly feel the reaction from their parents.
  Suggests that if used well, it will cultivate a healthy, brave, optimistic, good character and good habits.
