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How does Montessori teaching assist children's initiative development

Time:2020-07-29 Click:133
Raising children is not only labor, but also labor! In the face of a highly competitive future, many parents try their best to make the best preparations for their children, including buying insurance for their children, buying houses in the name of their children, and letting their children participate in various talent classes.

However, we found that some irresistible disasters may make all our efforts go to nothing in an instant! This shock has made many parents more worried. This reminds us that things outside our bodies are not reliable; parents should also rethink all the arrangements currently made for their children.

Learning talent has always been a topic of debate. A friend invested his private money to buy a famous piano, personally supervised the battle, and her daughter has reached a certain level of piano art in a few years, but there is also a stick between her and her daughter. The friend said:" I also know that she is not interested, but I am afraid that she will be hungry in the future, and she will have a skill, and she will be able to eat well in the future." The mother cares so carefully, but does the child appreciate it?

Help children learn actively

So, what is the child's most need in the future? Don't we need to prepare for the children? From Montessori, we learn not to accumulate the children's external assets, but to turn to the children's heart, trying to stimulate the children's autonomy and initiative.

Because only if the child is willing, he has the motivation to learn talent; only if the child takes the initiative, he can not fear the setbacks and hardships on the way of learning! In fact, as long as the child takes the initiative, he will explore and discover all he needs; if the child takes the initiative, he will naturally plan and create his life.

Montessori has a unique view on children’s initiative:

1. Children's initiative is born

For Montessori, there are no children in the world. Because every life is born with upward motivation, every life is full of initiative. Therefore, we have seen newborns grow up at a rate of "one inch larger". They suck and swallow by themselves, have reached out to grasp, and kicked their feet. They are full of curiosity and interest in the world.

Those of us who think that there is nothing new under the sun are always obstructing children’s active exploration. We tell children, “Don’t touch this with bacteria, don’t put that dirty in your mouth, if the disk breaks, don’t cut your hands, don’t take a bath and play The water will catch a cold, and it will be tiring to walk in a car.” Some children slowly learn to be indifferent to things around them, and slowly learn to be indifferent and passive under our over-care or compulsion.

These children will only wait for others to tell him: "Open their mouths to eat, stretch out their hands to dress." They lose their ability to think and judge themselves, lose their dominance over themselves, get lost under the wings of adults, and don't know what to do.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Montessori asked us adults to give up the misunderstanding of children in the past, and children are definitely not weak and helpless individuals! On the contrary, children are full of vitality. If the obstacles in the environment can be removed, the children can grow up vigorously!

Montessori wants us to remember: no one can replace children to grow up! No matter how excellent the parents are, the children can still walk on their own feet. Therefore, the first step in calculating considerations for children is for parents to avoid becoming resistance in the growth process of their children, so that the children's initiative has room for development.

2. A good environment can nourish and induce children's initiative

Montessori first discovered that children are full of life power, and then observed that children use their own power to explore the environment and interact with the environment to create a unique self. Therefore, the quality of the environment plays an important role in the growth of children.

Montessori believes that adults are obliged to prepare a good environment for children, remove the factors that hinder children's growth in the environment, and place teaching aids suitable for children's growth so that children can establish good cognition, coordination, and coordination by operating teaching aids. Basic abilities such as concentration, independence and order.

Montessori also emphasized the beauty and cleanliness of the environment, because she found that children are more active in beautiful environments. Once, Montessori took the children in her class to visit other teachers. A little girl said, like Montessori, "Teacher, I know why their desks are so dirty because they don’t have beautiful rags. . If we don’t have a beautiful rag, I don’t want to wipe the table either."

At the same time, the environment must be open so that children can choose what they want to do according to their abilities and interests, so as not to be too simple or too difficult to destroy their enthusiasm for active learning.

3. Adults are the help of children's active development

Montessori does not call the adult zone "teach" children, but it requires adults to reflect on themselves first, completely subverting the general model of getting along with children.

Traditionally, adults think that they eat more salt than children eat. Always above the top, directing everything, ignoring the differences in the psychological and physical development of children and adults, and ignoring the needs of children in the process of growing up, thus causing conflicts between children and adults. Children are hindered by their inability to resist the authority of adults. It can only vent in negative forms such as crying, fear or anger. Adults love children, but instead they hurt them, making them withdrawn and depressed!

Therefore, Montessori requires adults to put down their body, follow the children, listen carefully to the children's voice, and help them at the right time as the children grow up, so that the children can become brave, confident and active individuals!

Consolidate the cornerstone of growth

The hardships of life always make parents want to prepare more tangible assets for their children, so that the children can be calm, prosperous and suffer less in the future. But if the child's heart lacks motivation and life is tasteless, then there is nothing but gold and silver mines, and it is in vain! In the same way, talents that are not suitable for a child's personality only increase the child's distress.

Montessori guides us to re-recognize, respect, and assist children; and to nourish children with a good environment, so as to consolidate the foundation of children's growth, so that children can grow steadily and steadily from the inside out. In this way, the child has the ability to face and solve problems, and can embark on his journey of life bravely, calmly, confidently and happily.

Being a parent is a sweet burden, and only by helping the child with the opportunity can the child grow up sweetly and without burden.
